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Senegal May Jail Would-be Immigrants To Spain

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Senegal May Jail Would-be Immigrants To Spain

Spain and Senegal are stepping up their cooperation on illegal immigration to the Canary Islands, with Dakar considering the possibility of jailing would-be immigrants for up to two years, the Spanish daily El Pais reported Monday.

More than 100 Africans landed Monday on Tenerife, following the arrival of over 700 others in the Canary Islands and the mainland coast over the weekend.

The Canaries have received more than 23,000 migrants this year, and several riots have erupted in overcrowded reception centres.

Five Senegalese police officers and two diplomats are currently in the Canaries to identify immigrants for their repatriation. Large numbers of incoming migrants are thought to be Senegalese.

Immigrants usually try to hide their nationalities, and their protests during repatriation flights caused tension between Spain and Senegal earlier this year.

Spain now intends to fly immigrants back to Senegal in secret, while Senegal is considering the possibility of jailing them to prevent them from immediately boarding new boats to the Canaries, according to El Pais.

The daily said migrants could be incarcerated for up to two years.

The Spanish labour market can no longer absorb new workers, and the "immense majority" of an estimated 800,000 illegals currently in the country will be expelled, said Jose Blanco, organizational secretary of the governing Socialist Party.
Senegalese Minister for the Interior in talks in Spain
The President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, has accused Spain of doing nothing to stop the flow of irregular immigrants to the Canary Islands. He made the claim speaking on a German radio programme, contradicting the Spanish government and his own Interior Minister, Ousmane N’Gom.

The latter was in Madrid over the weekend for a meeting with his Spanish counterpart, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. He said that Senegal would accept back all those immigrants who had entered Spain irregularly, provided they are repatriated in dignified way respecting their human rights.

He considered that the real incentive to the immigrants was the knowledge that they would be released to the streets after being held for 40 days in the immigrant reception centres.

Spain has now undertaken to increase air patrols of the Senegalese coastline and to strengthen the commission which identifies the irregular immigrants.

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