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Elle découvre que son défunt mari était son père

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Elle découvre que son défunt mari était son père

Une sexagénaire américaine a découvert que son défunt mari et père de ses trois enfants n'était autre que son propre père. Valerie Spruill, qui réside à Doylestown dans l'Ohio aux Etats-Unis, a fait cette découverte choquante en 2004 soit six ans après la mort de son mari. Huit ans plus tard, Valerie Spruill a contacté la presse pour révéler au grand jour cet horrible secret qui l'a tant fait souffrir. Elle explique que son cauchemar a commencé alors qu'elle n'avait que neuf ans. A l'époque, elle a appris que ceux qu'elles considéraient comme ses parents étaient en fait ses grands-parents. On lui explique alors que sa mère était une prostituée et qu'on ignore l'identité de son papa. Mais en réalité, Christine, sa mère biologique venait régulièrement lui rendre visite. Valerie pensait, alors, que c'était une amie de la famille. Des années plus tard, Valerie rencontre Percy Spruill, un chauffeur de camions qu'elle épouse peu après. Le couple aura trois enfants tout au long de leur union. En 1998, Percy décède. Six ans plus tard, un oncle lui révèle que son mari était en fait son père. Des propos confirmés par un test ADN entrepris par Valerie qui a fait analyser des cheveux retrouvés sur le peigne de son mari. Pour Valerie, c'est le choc. D'autant que la sexagénaire apprend qu'ils étaient très nombreux à savoir. Interrogée sur le nombre de personnes qui étaient au courant, celle-ci répond. "La moitié de la ville d'Akron". Toutefois, Valerie tente de justifier le comportement de son mari (père). "Je pense qu'il était au courant mais qu'il a eu trop peur de me le dire", explique-t-elle. "Je ne le hais pas", précise-t-elle également. Si Valerie souhaite que le scandale éclate aujourd'hui, c'est que la sexagénaire a décidé de se mettre à la recherche d'éventuels frères et soeurs. "Cette histoire doit être racontée, parce que les enfants ont le droit de savoir d'où ils viennent. Même si je sais que la vérité peut faire très mal", ajoute-t-elle.

14 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Septembre, 2012 (12:36 PM)
    de toute les façons on est tous issu d'inceste, so...
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  2. Auteur


    En Septembre, 2012 (13:02 PM)
    a bon je ne le savais pas donc toi tu est issu d'inceste moi non


    En Septembre, 2012 (14:19 PM)
    c'est vraie que les enfants doivent connaitre leur origine c'est plus sûre


    En Septembre, 2012 (14:23 PM)


    En Septembre, 2012 (14:30 PM)
    c 'est fo cette histoir n'est pas vré

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    En Septembre, 2012 (19:39 PM)
    Encore une histoire à dormir debout.Le mariage nespa une oeuvre de sociètè meme si elle ignore son pere les autres forcement non .Wala bok ?


    En Septembre, 2012 (20:19 PM)
    Oupss ils lui ont fait du sale làà


    En Septembre, 2012 (21:59 PM)
    wa deukka boba de teyanou sene lamigne



    En Septembre, 2012 (00:24 AM)
    seneweb champion de feen
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    En Septembre, 2012 (05:58 AM)
    il est vrai que ça parait invraisemblable surtout quand elle dit que la moitiè de la ville etait au courant et peut etre meme son defunt mari-pere.comme l'a dit quelqu'un ,plus discret que ces habitants...


    En Septembre, 2012 (08:00 AM)
    cette histoire pourrait etre bien vraie. ET ceci est arrive a un senegalais vivant aux Usa. Il etait parti au Senegal en vacances et est alle dans un hotel de la place avec une jeune fille. Apres la seance la jeune fiile lui a demande de la deposer chez elle et le monsieur a accepte. Arrive a l,adresse de la fille, il lui a demande le nom de sa maman. Et quand la fille a repondu il lui a demande son age et c,est a ce moment qu,il s,est rendu compte qu,il etait son pere. Donc prenons le courage de reconnaitre nos enfants et de nous occuper d,eux regulerement. Le monsieur en question a raconte l,histoire a une amie de ma femme


    En Septembre, 2012 (08:15 AM)



    En Septembre, 2012 (10:44 AM)
    Au fait, est-ce que l'islam interdit que deux cousin-cousine dont les deux mamans sont de même père et mère peuvent se marier ? La science dit que ce n'est pas souhaitable pour raison de consanguinité qui pourrait dégénérer d'éventuels enfants, mais qu'endit l'islam ?
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    En Octobre, 2012 (23:20 PM)
    Je voulais apporter une clarification car le journaliste a sans doute mal traduit cet article. Les trois enfants ne sont pas de son mari (et père) mais d'un mariage precedent. Voici l'article original

    Find a Job M&S Wine Our Papers Feedback Tuesday, Oct 02 2012 12AM 13°C 3AM 11°C 5-Day Forecast

    'We had a good life... but truth almost destroyed me': Woman who unknowingly married her FATHER speaks out on their lives

    Valerie Spruill, 60, from Doylestown, Ohio, found out through a DNA test

    The confusion began as she was looked after by her grandparents from three-months-old

    Believes her husband could have known the truth but feared telling her

    Said husband was good provider and caring toward her three children from a previous marriage


    PUBLISHED: 12:49 EST, 21 September 2012 | UPDATED: 15:44 EST, 23 September 2012

    Comments (0)


    The woman who unknowingly married her father today said: 'We had a good life', but that the horror of finding out the truth nearly destroyed her.

    Valerie Spruill, who lives in Doylestown, Ohio, first told her story earlier this month to the Akron Beacon Journal, and today spoke with CNN about her story.

    She said that she wasn’t sure if her late husband Percy Spruill even knew he was her father, saying: ‘That conversation didn’t come up.’

    Secret: Valerie Spruill, 60, from Ohio, discovered her husband was in fact her father after he died

    A DNA test using hair taken from one of Mr Spruill’s hairbrushes confirmed that the two were father and daughter.

    In her interview with CNN, Mrs Spruill said that the only way to heal from the shocking news was to speak about her pain. ‘Pain and stress will kill,’ she said, ‘and I had to release my stress.’

    After she and Mr Spruill met in Akron and moved to the nearby working-class town of Doylestown, she said she was happy. ‘He was a good provider,’ she said, and 'we had a good life'. She said he was accepting to her three children from her first marriage.

    She worked at the Goodyear plant in the accounting department for 34 years.

    However, after the truth came out following Mr Spruill’s death, the mother and grandmother said she had a crisis of faith. ‘It’s devastating. It can destroy you. It nearly did,’ she told CNN.


    The woman who found out her husband was her FATHER (but only after he’d died)

    'Abusive stepfather gave me $200 and put me on a bus to LA': Georgia teenager, 18, found in California weighing just 97 pounds was 'locked up and starved by parents for four YEARS'

    At age 60, Mrs Spruill’s grandparents are long dead, as are many of her husband’s relatives that could have provided valuable information to her.

    Despite all of the hardship, Mrs Spruill has kept a remarkably strong spirit, something she credits to her faith in God. ‘I have no regrets in my life at all,’ she said.

    Spruill, who has three children and eight grandchildren, is now telling her story in an attempt to find her other siblings from her father.

    'It needs to be told, because children need to know where they come from,' she told the Akron Beacon Journal earlier this month. 'And I know it hurts, because I have been devastated by this.'

    Better times: She said that her husband, who worked as a truck driver, provided she and her children from a previous marriage with a good life

    The confusion began because she was looked after by her grandparents from 3-months-old.

    Her mother Christine was one the 'night ladies' - as she called them - who testified in the 1980 trial of Summit County Probate Judge James Barbuto, who was eventually convicted of sex charges.

    Valerie's mother and father got together when he was just 15 and the number of children they had is unclear, but she is aware of six brothers.


    The woman who found out her husband was her FATHER (but only after he’d died)

    'Abusive stepfather gave me $200 and put me on a bus to LA': Georgia teenager, 18, found in California weighing just 97 pounds was 'locked up and starved by parents for four YEARS'

    She was cared for by her grandparents and her mother visited, although Valerie thought she was a family friend.

    Aged nine, she was devastated when she found out that Christine - who died in 1984 - had been her mother. It also meant the man she thought was her father was in fact her grandfather.

    'This story needs to be told because children need to know where they come from. And I know it hurts, because I have been devastated by this.'

    Valerie Spruill

    But she was not told who her real father was and Valerie later met and married Percy.

    Percy, who was born in Mississippi, worked in Akron as a truck driver and a parking-lot attendant.

    He died in 1998 after a brief illness at the age of 60, but for years, she had heard bizarre rumours about their relationship.

    She finally learned the truth about her marriage from an uncle after Percy died, and confirmed the relationship with a DNA test after finding his hairs on a brush in their room.

    She does not know for certain that he was aware he had married his daughter, but she said she strongly believes he did know but was simply afraid to tell her.

    Since his death, Valerie, who is retired, has been seeing a therapist to help her deal with the horrifying revelation.

    Valerie has fought through serious health problems, including a lengthy hospital stay, which she believes were only brought on by the stress of discovering the traumatic family secret

    She is hoping her story may help her reach additional siblings she didn’t know existed.

    'My biggest goal is to find them and let ’em know that [their mother] loved them, no matter what,' she said. 'And [to say], 'Thank God she gave you away like she did me, so you could have a beautiful life.'

    Read more:

    Akron Beacon Journal: Woman finds out late husband was also her father

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