Salut. Je voudrais partager mon experience avec le "Baatou ker gui" et son promteur Baba Fall. Apres avoir pose nombre de questions sur ses produits et ses effets M. Fall m'avait assure que tous ses produits allaient regler mes problemes, c'ad : augmenter la qualite et quantite de mon sperme et renforcer la qualite de mon erection entre autres effets benefiques. J'ai du payer 5 sachets 'a 200 mille (sans remise). Apres 2 mois d' utilisation sans effet reel notoire, je m'en suis ouvert 'a B. Fall qui m'a propose de me donner gratuitement une autre sachet d'un produit miracle poivre' pour renfort.
Apres avoir epuise tous les produits j'ai ete loin de mes attentes pour ne pas dire tres insatisfait et je considere qu'il y a une grosse arnaque bien emballee avec un efficace qui fait son effet. NE VOUS FAITES PLUS ARNAQUER PAR B.FALL ET SON .
En discutant de facon pointue avec B. Fall on se rend compte que se limite á melanger des ingredients, surement quelques choses qu'il aura appris non sans une profonde connaissance. J'ai connu Serigne Samba NDIAYE et en les comparant c'est la nuit (B.Fall) et le jour.
Ma demarche ne vise nullement á jeter le discredit sur qui que ce soit mais á eviter des personnes dans le desespoir comme moi de se faire abuser.
Espérons seulement que ça n'arrivera pas au SENEGAL parce que notre président n'est pas au top et ce n'est pas son immobilisme qu'on attendait de lui , l'attente sociale est tellement grande que le gouvernement ferme les yeux pour ne pas voir la réalité et surtout de ne pas affronter les problèmes des populations. Le courage manque à nos dirigeants qui dorment sur leur laurier , la peur de ne pas se remplir les poches avant de finir leur mandat est devenue un sport des politiciens , le désespoir est là et le fatalisme est une religion pour les populations africaines qui ne savent plus à quel saint se vouer. Quand nous aurons de vrais politiciens qui luttent pour l'interet général et pour la survie du peuple , on verra certainement le bout du tunnel.
putin!!! cet ambassadeur n'a rien dit de nouveau, c'est du terre a terre!! et ce qui est pire dans cet entretien , il se permet de dire que les frère Morsi a échoué!!!!! c'est faux, il est élu de façon légitime!!! si on analyse un sujet, il faut élargir le champ de vision, moi je m'attendai qu'il me dise qui est dèrière ce coup d'état que tout la communauté internationale sauf l'Allemagne, refuse de comdamné!!! c'est absurde!!! et que pense Macky dans tout ça le sénégal est une grande démocratie, il peut se permettre de donner des leçon
TFM daal dangeeuen mana tapale , vous navez rien apporte de nouveau au tlespectateur kii limouy wakh gnepp kou kham , ta pas besoin d etre specialiste pour le dire , si vous n avez pas d info , mettez des clipss c est ce que vous avez faire le plus, isshh
Ce prof est loin d'être un expert sur cette question. Il dit "ce sont les jeunes, les femmes et le catholiques que l'ont voyait lors des rassemblements"....Aie aïe...Pour un ancien ambassadeur en Égypte, il devrait savoir que le 10% des egyptiens non musulmans ne sont pas des catholiques mais des chrétiens coptes( il y a bien une nuance mr le professeur).
sambe daanougua wahofi loulair .moi je sui en egypte dequi longtemp c est la dictature qui est ici ..hamguasi dara quant les l auterité egyptien a donné une délé au etudiants senegalais qui manifesté a lambassad de leur payis. .les manifestation contre moursy son commencé depui qu il est élu on la pas lessé un moi pour travaié il la dit dans son discour 27 apel de manifestation millionair a la place tahrir des millié de manifestation dans le payis coment un president elu par son peuple va travailé dans c ette condission.. se que vous voyés a la place tahrir se son les partisans de l ancien résim les gens quon a payé chaque jour 50 livres egyptien durent les manifestation..tout le monde on peur des frers musilmene .et se qu il on fait durent leur manda c est
incroyable ..epui vous les senegalais vous resevé pas les information comme il fau et vous parler beaucoup..vous suivé les actualité du france 24 et de l euronews seul ils enemi de l islam de l afrique et les que je vouler dir est que se n est pas normal qu on presidant elu par son peuples democratiquement soi limosé comme sa ..donc ne faite pas de naafeque memme si tu n est pas avec eux......morsy eté un exelent president il tandu la main a tout le monde .pour te dir meme il ya des chretiens
dans son parti ..les freres musilmens il ne son pas violant ils son modern et democrate..ien
Et c'est repartit pour les conspirationnistes c'est encore le méchant Occident en fait c'est ça qu'ils veulent entendre , ils ont aucunes preuves, ne connaissent pas l'Égypte ni même jamais rencontré un Égyptien mais ils peuvent vs sortir des théories à bout de bras...Je comprend tout à fait certains Égyptiens qui ne veulent pas retourner au Moyen Age, l'islam politique est un fléau qu'il faut combattre qui n'a rien à voir avec la religion de paix de tolérance et de tranquillité...
ce qui see pasee en egipte pour les analiste senegalais surtou ce cette ancien ambasadeur parce que morsi a fait un ans il a rien faite ca ses le pretexe des occidenteau et leur amis africain bien vrais que je siu aperiste mais vous senegalais prenais lexemple sur actuel president il a fait un ans et plus ques qu il a fait seulment que des arestation esque le peuple est sortie pour dire qu il a rien fait parse que tout le monde dise que ces tot un an deux an tros an on ne peu rien faire meme abdoulaye wade a fais 2000 jusqua 2004 ces la ou les chose son comencee parce que ses les frere musulment qui son au pouvoire il son pas les bien venue pour les occidanteux tunisie le pouvoire e partagee la liby ces ne pas ancore claire on laise respire pour savoire quel desision a prendre apres pourquoi les senegalais font des analise la ou ils on peure de dire la verite seul analiste senegale qui dit la verite et djiby diakhate merci djiby
Voici un exellent article sur les implications de la chutes de morsi specialement pur les USA. Je peux le traduire pour vous si vous voulez
Washington Islamist Strategy in Crisis as Morsi Toppled
By F. William Engdahl
(4 July 2013) – The swift action by Egypt’s military to arrest Mohamed Morsi and key leaders of his Muslim Brotherhood organization on July 3 marks a major setback for Washington’s “Arab Spring” strategy of using political Islam to spread chaos from China through Russia across the energy-rich Middle East. Morsi rejected the Defense Minister‘s demand that he quit to avert a bloodbath. He said he stood by his “constitutional dignity” and demanded the army’s withdrawal of its ultimatum. It may become the major turning point of America’s decline as world Sole Superpower when future generations of historians view events.
One year after the secretive Muslim Brotherhood seized power and put their man, Mohammed Morsi in as President and dominated the Parliament, Egypt’s military has moved in, against a backdrop of millions of people on the streets protesting Morsi’s imposition of strict Sharia law and failure to deal with the collapsing economy. The coup was led by Defense Minister and army chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sissi. Significantly, el-Sissi was appointed as a devout Muslim younger general by Morsi last year. He was also trained and well-regarded in Washington by Pentagon leadership. That he leads the coup indicates the depth of the rejection of the Brotherhood inside Egypt. Al-Sissi announced Wednesday night, July 3, that the head of the Constitution Court will act as provisional president and form an interim government of technocrats to run the country until early presidential and parliamentary elections. He was flanked by Christian, secular opposition and Muslim leaders. Al-Sissi said that all the army’s efforts to affect a national dialogue and reconciliation were welcomed by all factions and blocked by President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood.
Outrage aimed against US
Perhaps the most significant aspect of the mass mobilization of protesters in recent weeks that culminated in the decision by the military to actively take control was the clear anti-Washington character of the street protests. Demonstrators carried hand-made posters denouncing Obama and his pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson.
Mass Protests were openly anti-US
Egypt’s Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson was a special target of the protests. Patterson made remarks June 18 to discourage the anti-Morsi protesters. She told Egyptians, “Some say that street action will produce better results than elections,” Patterson said. “To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical.” Then in an even more explicit interview with the Egyptian Ahram Online in May, the US diplomat refused to be critical of Morsi and stated, “The fact is they ran in a legitimate election and won. Of course it is challenging to be dealing with any new government. However, at the state institutional level, we are for instance still liaising with the same military and civil service personnel, and thus have retained the same long-established relations.” [1]
The military action also came against the expicit intervention of US President Obama and his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey. Obama called the Egyptian president and Dempsey phoned Chief of staff General Sedki Sobhi, hoping to defuse the three-way crisis between the regime, the army and the protest movement. Now Obama stands with more than egg on his face. [2]
Significantly, Saudi King Abdullah and leaders of the conservative UAE emirates, with notable exception of the pro-Muslim Brotherhood Emir of Qatar, have openly greeted the military action in Egypt. Saudi state news agency SPA reported, “In the name of the people of Saudi Arabia and on my behalf, we congratulate your leadership of Egypt in this critical period of its history. We pray for God to help you bear the responsibility laid upon you to achieve the ambitions of our brotherly people of Egypt,” as official statement from the King. [3]
A news blog reported close to Israeli military and intelligence circles, says that the Egyptian military acted with quiet backing by Saudi Artrabia and other conservative Gulf nations. According to these reports, should the Obama administration cut off the annual US aid allocation of $1.3 billion to Egypt’s military, Saudi Arabia and the UAE would make up the military budget’s shortfall. As well, they state, Saudis, UAE and other Gulf nations, such as Bahrain and Kuwait, “would immediately start pumping out substantial funds to keep the Egyptian economy running. The Egyptian masses would be shown that in a properly managed economy, they could be guaranteed a minimal standard of living and need not go hungry as many did under Muslim Brotherhood rule. According to our sources, the Saudis and the UAE pledged to match the funds Qatar transferred to the Muslim Brotherhood’s coffers in Cairo in the past year, amounting to the vast sum of $13 billion.” [4]
Whether the report of plesdged aid materallizes or not, the cmilitary intervention in Ehgypt is sending tectonic shock waves across the entire Islamic world. A week ago as mass protests in Egypt swelled, Qatar’s openly pro-Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Hamad al-Thani surprisingly turned rule over to his 33-year old son, reported a moderate. The son immediately fired the pro-Brotherhood Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim. Qatar had given Morsi’s Egyptian Btotherhood some $8 billion and Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has lived in Doha for decades, using it as a base to project his often controversial sermons. Qatar’s government-owned Al Jazeera channel has also been criticized for shifting in recent years from being a respected independent Arab news channel to becoming the partisan voice of the Muslim Brotherhood. [5] Significantly, one of the first acts of the Egyptian military was to close the Al Jazeera studio in Cairo.
The major defeat of the Brotherhood in Egypt will also have major shock waves in Turkey where the pro-Brotherhood AKP party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mass protests have been brutally put down by Erdogan with police using tear gas and powerful water cannons. Erdogan had allowed Turkey to be used as a major staging ground to send mercenaries, financed largely by Qatar, into Syria to try to topple the government of Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Muslim Brotherhood regime. Egypt’s Morsi shortly before his fall, called for a Jihad to topple Assad.
The crucial question now will be what Obama’s response to the collapse of Washington’s Arab Spring. The Arab Spring of yesterday has just become Washington’s Siberian Winter nightmare.
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16 Commentaires
En Juillet, 2013 (22:25 PM)Beignet
En Juillet, 2013 (22:30 PM)Reply_author
En Mai, 2024 (11:47 AM)39ans
En Juillet, 2013 (22:32 PM)Apres avoir epuise tous les produits j'ai ete loin de mes attentes pour ne pas dire tres insatisfait et je considere qu'il y a une grosse arnaque bien emballee avec un efficace qui fait son effet. NE VOUS FAITES PLUS ARNAQUER PAR B.FALL ET SON .
En discutant de facon pointue avec B. Fall on se rend compte que se limite á melanger des ingredients, surement quelques choses qu'il aura appris non sans une profonde connaissance. J'ai connu Serigne Samba NDIAYE et en les comparant c'est la nuit (B.Fall) et le jour.
Ma demarche ne vise nullement á jeter le discredit sur qui que ce soit mais á eviter des personnes dans le desespoir comme moi de se faire abuser.
A bon entendeur !
LÉon Sam
En Juillet, 2013 (22:34 PM)Red...
En Juillet, 2013 (22:41 PM)... LA REPUBLIQUE N'EST PAS LA MOSQUEE....
En Juillet, 2013 (22:57 PM)Observateur
En Juillet, 2013 (23:33 PM)Beye
En Juillet, 2013 (00:00 AM)Minteey
En Juillet, 2013 (03:25 AM)Brightness12
En Juillet, 2013 (07:53 AM)Cet
En Juillet, 2013 (09:02 AM)De Passage
En Juillet, 2013 (09:09 AM)Verite
En Juillet, 2013 (13:34 PM)incroyable ..epui vous les senegalais vous resevé pas les information comme il fau et vous parler beaucoup..vous suivé les actualité du france 24 et de l euronews seul ils enemi de l islam de l afrique et les que je vouler dir est que se n est pas normal qu on presidant elu par son peuples democratiquement soi limosé comme sa ..donc ne faite pas de naafeque memme si tu n est pas avec eux......morsy eté un exelent president il tandu la main a tout le monde .pour te dir meme il ya des chretiens
dans son parti ..les freres musilmens il ne son pas violant ils son modern et democrate..ien
En Juillet, 2013 (14:13 PM)Oo
En Juillet, 2013 (14:16 PM)Doff Bi
En Juillet, 2013 (15:47 PM)Washington Islamist Strategy in Crisis as Morsi Toppled
By F. William Engdahl
(4 July 2013) – The swift action by Egypt’s military to arrest Mohamed Morsi and key leaders of his Muslim Brotherhood organization on July 3 marks a major setback for Washington’s “Arab Spring” strategy of using political Islam to spread chaos from China through Russia across the energy-rich Middle East. Morsi rejected the Defense Minister‘s demand that he quit to avert a bloodbath. He said he stood by his “constitutional dignity” and demanded the army’s withdrawal of its ultimatum. It may become the major turning point of America’s decline as world Sole Superpower when future generations of historians view events.
One year after the secretive Muslim Brotherhood seized power and put their man, Mohammed Morsi in as President and dominated the Parliament, Egypt’s military has moved in, against a backdrop of millions of people on the streets protesting Morsi’s imposition of strict Sharia law and failure to deal with the collapsing economy. The coup was led by Defense Minister and army chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sissi. Significantly, el-Sissi was appointed as a devout Muslim younger general by Morsi last year. He was also trained and well-regarded in Washington by Pentagon leadership. That he leads the coup indicates the depth of the rejection of the Brotherhood inside Egypt. Al-Sissi announced Wednesday night, July 3, that the head of the Constitution Court will act as provisional president and form an interim government of technocrats to run the country until early presidential and parliamentary elections. He was flanked by Christian, secular opposition and Muslim leaders. Al-Sissi said that all the army’s efforts to affect a national dialogue and reconciliation were welcomed by all factions and blocked by President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood.
Outrage aimed against US
Perhaps the most significant aspect of the mass mobilization of protesters in recent weeks that culminated in the decision by the military to actively take control was the clear anti-Washington character of the street protests. Demonstrators carried hand-made posters denouncing Obama and his pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson.
Mass Protests were openly anti-US
Egypt’s Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson was a special target of the protests. Patterson made remarks June 18 to discourage the anti-Morsi protesters. She told Egyptians, “Some say that street action will produce better results than elections,” Patterson said. “To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical.” Then in an even more explicit interview with the Egyptian Ahram Online in May, the US diplomat refused to be critical of Morsi and stated, “The fact is they ran in a legitimate election and won. Of course it is challenging to be dealing with any new government. However, at the state institutional level, we are for instance still liaising with the same military and civil service personnel, and thus have retained the same long-established relations.” [1]
The military action also came against the expicit intervention of US President Obama and his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey. Obama called the Egyptian president and Dempsey phoned Chief of staff General Sedki Sobhi, hoping to defuse the three-way crisis between the regime, the army and the protest movement. Now Obama stands with more than egg on his face. [2]
Significantly, Saudi King Abdullah and leaders of the conservative UAE emirates, with notable exception of the pro-Muslim Brotherhood Emir of Qatar, have openly greeted the military action in Egypt. Saudi state news agency SPA reported, “In the name of the people of Saudi Arabia and on my behalf, we congratulate your leadership of Egypt in this critical period of its history. We pray for God to help you bear the responsibility laid upon you to achieve the ambitions of our brotherly people of Egypt,” as official statement from the King. [3]
A news blog reported close to Israeli military and intelligence circles, says that the Egyptian military acted with quiet backing by Saudi Artrabia and other conservative Gulf nations. According to these reports, should the Obama administration cut off the annual US aid allocation of $1.3 billion to Egypt’s military, Saudi Arabia and the UAE would make up the military budget’s shortfall. As well, they state, Saudis, UAE and other Gulf nations, such as Bahrain and Kuwait, “would immediately start pumping out substantial funds to keep the Egyptian economy running. The Egyptian masses would be shown that in a properly managed economy, they could be guaranteed a minimal standard of living and need not go hungry as many did under Muslim Brotherhood rule. According to our sources, the Saudis and the UAE pledged to match the funds Qatar transferred to the Muslim Brotherhood’s coffers in Cairo in the past year, amounting to the vast sum of $13 billion.” [4]
Whether the report of plesdged aid materallizes or not, the cmilitary intervention in Ehgypt is sending tectonic shock waves across the entire Islamic world. A week ago as mass protests in Egypt swelled, Qatar’s openly pro-Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Hamad al-Thani surprisingly turned rule over to his 33-year old son, reported a moderate. The son immediately fired the pro-Brotherhood Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim. Qatar had given Morsi’s Egyptian Btotherhood some $8 billion and Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has lived in Doha for decades, using it as a base to project his often controversial sermons. Qatar’s government-owned Al Jazeera channel has also been criticized for shifting in recent years from being a respected independent Arab news channel to becoming the partisan voice of the Muslim Brotherhood. [5] Significantly, one of the first acts of the Egyptian military was to close the Al Jazeera studio in Cairo.
The major defeat of the Brotherhood in Egypt will also have major shock waves in Turkey where the pro-Brotherhood AKP party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mass protests have been brutally put down by Erdogan with police using tear gas and powerful water cannons. Erdogan had allowed Turkey to be used as a major staging ground to send mercenaries, financed largely by Qatar, into Syria to try to topple the government of Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Muslim Brotherhood regime. Egypt’s Morsi shortly before his fall, called for a Jihad to topple Assad.
The crucial question now will be what Obama’s response to the collapse of Washington’s Arab Spring. The Arab Spring of yesterday has just become Washington’s Siberian Winter nightmare.
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